Tuesday 18 March 2014

Follow-up visit and interview at the Observatory

I returned to the Observatory last Tuesday morning for an arranged interview with a former employee. On this occasion I had the opportunity to go up into the East Tower and see the Grubb 15-inch Reflector Telescope. Dating from 1835, it was the Dublin company's first commercial piece. Its purchase was made possible by Archbishop J.G. Beresford, who, unlike Archbishop Robinson's two immediate successors, took an active interest in the Observatory, extending the building and providing several new instruments.

Also, during my research, at least three secondary sources have given different dates for the death of the Observatory's first Director, the Rev. J.A. Hamilton. However, I plan to visit Mullabrack Church of Ireland (between Hamiltonsbawn and Markethill), to either view his headstone (if still legible from 1815!?) or investigate the church records for an accurate date

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